Large Kuau birds easily recognized because of its large and pattern typical. This bird species can be classified one tribe bekisar. Tida now number more, therefore this bird belongs to the category of rare birds. In the area of ​​West Sumatra been voted fauna of regional identity, with consideration of these birds have long been known to the public. As evidence known to many traditional rhyme-rhyme that mentions and related to these birds. Election as local fauna identity is meant to let the public be more loving to facilitate preservation efforts are now being encouraged.


Large body size is one of the features of this bird. Kuau usually males have larger body size than females. It can weigh 11.5 kg, was the color of fur looks more attractive than the females. The bird's head is usually hairless and there are only a crest consisting of soft feathers. Average scalp and neck blue. Pale yellow beak with black around his nostrils, his eyes were red iris. Long feathers cover the body size, with rounded wing shape decorated with feathers long and interesting. Although the wings powerfully, perhaps because of the weight, this bird can not fly away. The birds' tail feathers generally amounted to 12 lemabar, where a pair of which can grow longer. Pheasants of his body can reach 2 meters, measured from head to tip of tail. 


Habitat large pheasants are thick forests, both in the lowlands or up to an altitude of 1000 meters. In the wild these birds live on their own. Because of the ongoing process of marriage is an interesting attraction. At the time of mating males generally begin with a unique behavior that is dancing to and fro with tails dangle sweeping the arena, while the beak pecking seemed to attract the sympathy of the female. Towards the nesting period large kuau make their nests on the ground, made of grass and leaves. Generally they spawn 2-3 grains dieraminya for approximately 25 days.Large Kuau birds like pawing the ground in search of food, in the form of fruits, seeds, ants, snails, and even other types of insects. During the day the birds Kuau Large search of water sources. It is often used by residents to capture and kill him.
Actually, this bird is an animal protein source, but it is grown until now have not been implemented. Some efforts are put in place now is merely to keep this bird is not extinct. And that's just been implemented by some of the zoo who tried breeding them.


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